Woven Chords

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Woven Chords is a mixed community choir based in Stamford. We sing unaccompanied harmony songs (A cappella) from across the globe. Celebrating the richness and variety of the human voice, Woven Chords’ singing gives expression to songs from many different cultural traditions.

We are a very friendly and informal choir, open to anyone over 16 years of age, men and women. We follow the ethos of the Natural Voice Network. We do not hold auditions and no previous experience or the need to read music is necessary as all songs are taught by ear. If you can speak - then you can sing! The emphasis is on enjoyment and creating a rich accurate sound.

We sing every Thursday in the Ballroom at the Stamford Arts Centre. Twice a year, we give a performance of a selection of our repertoire.

Woven Chords is a special group of people with a large membership, many of whom have been there since the early days of the choir some 21 years ago. We welcome new members and there is a free two week trial period, with no commitment.

Our next event will be our Winter Concert on Thursday 19th December 2024 at Stamford Arts Centre ballroom.

See Future Concerts and Events page.

Autumn Term 2024:
19th September to 17th October 2024 (5 weeks)
7th November to 19th December 2024 (7 weeks)

Thursdays at 7:30 - 9:30pm

Woven Chords Winter Concert, 21st December 2023





Graham leads the choir during the Winter Concert at the Arts Centre Ballroom

See About us page for videos of the concert.

Be sure to check out the Workshops link for details of the next workshop.